Meet the Baker
Hey! I'm Megan. I'm a self-taught baker who grew up watching my mom and grandmother make delicious things for my brother and I. I've always had a sweet tooth, and I've never met a dessert I didn't like. Oh, and there's ALWAYS room for dessert. ALWAYS. That's my motto.
During the pandemic, baking brought comfort and delight. I finally had the time to try new recipes and learn new techniques. I dusted off cookbooks that I had "collected" over the years but rarely used. The kitchen became a form of therapy for me - especially baking. There's just something about tying on my apron and firing up my mixer that feels right. As I baked more and more, my wonderful husband (concerned about our waistlines!) encouraged me to look into selling my tasty treats. After mulling it over, researching cottage food laws, and taking a giant leap of faith, here we are - The Dainty Cow Bakery - ready to serve our neighborhood one sweet bite at a time.
Meet the Assistant
This Mets-loving New Jersey native is the muscle behind The Dainty Cow. He can be seen hauling 50 pound bags of flour and cases of butter on a weekly basis, as well as prepping dough and packaging baked goods. While most know him as Bobby Slaski, he also responds to Dough Master, back-of-house, and “hey you.”

Meet the Mascot
The best of boys, Cudi is our sweet mascot “cow.” He enjoys cuddles, treats, and making new friends. He is also the best clean up crew in the kitchen.